Board of Directors
Pittsburgh Community Broadcasting Corporation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that operates community-licensed radio stations 90.5 WESA and 91.3 WYEP, serving Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania.
90.5 WESA is Pittsburgh's NPR News Station. 91.3 WYEP is Pittsburgh's Adult Alternative Music Station. Our broadcasts originate at the Community Broadcast Center, located at 67 Bedford Square, Pittsburgh PA 15203. Our main phone number is (412) 381-9131.
Executive Committee
Terry O’Reilly President & CEO
David Ehrenwerth Board Chair
Pamela L. Wilkins Vice Chair
Justin Beck Secretary
Eugene O’Sullivan
Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair
Susan Apel Audit Committee Chair
David Gurwin Nominating & Governance Committee Chair
Paul Purdy Officer at Large & Resource Development Committee Chair
Board Members
Christopher Amar
Peter Baird
Blessy Bellamy
Alex Condron
Gretchen Givens Generett
Pamela Golden
James Gibbs
Robert Hill
Gunjan Khanna
Louis Leff
Herky Pollock
Community Advisory Council
Community Advisory Council
Tom Baker
Melanie Marie Boyer
Laura Bright
Mark A. Conner Sr.
Chris Connors
Jeffrey T. Criswell
Lori Dunlap
Sarah Dunlap
Tao He
Shawn Hicks
Amanda J. Laichak
Darcel Madkins
Monifa Martin
Jamie McMahon
Genevieve Oduor
Stephen Pieklik
Miguel Sague, Jr.
Tracy Sherrill
Open Meetings and Closed Sessions
All meetings of the Board of Directors and its committees, during which official business will be conducted, are open to the public. Portions of some meetings or entire meetings may be closed to the public, to consider confidential matters relating to individual employees, proprietary information, litigation and other matters requiring confidential advice of counsel, commercial or financial information obtained from a person on a privileged or confidential basis, or the purchase of property or services whenever premature exposure of such purchase would compromise the business interests of Pittsburgh Community Broadcasting Corporation.
Board of Directors Meeting Times and Locations
Unless otherwise noted, meetings of the Board of Directors are held at 5:00 pm at the Community Broadcast Center at 67 Bedford Square, Pittsburgh PA. Changes to the meeting dates or times will be posted to this website with as much advance notice as possible. Prior meeting minutes are available for review by appointment at the station’s office.
The Board of Directors may, without advance notice, convene a closed Executive Session for purposes of discussing or conducting confidential matters.
Any member of the public who wishes to attend any official meeting of this organization through an audio teleconference should request dial-in credentials from toreilly@PittsburghCommunityBroadcasting no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of the meeting.